Twin Ports Climate Conversations

Graphic with word could: Talk, Twin Ports, Listen, Share, Conversations, CLimate, Minnesota, Superior, Climate

Twin Ports Climate Conversations (TPCC) is a program that takes place quarterly and is an opportunity for community dialogue about questions of climate change. TPCC covers different topics, focusing on perspectives of climate change impacts, adaptation responses, and opportunities for mitigation and resilience. These conversations are organized, coordinated and facilitated by staff from multiple agencies. You are invited to join the conversation.

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Project description

Twin Ports Climate Conversations (TPCC) is an opportunity for community dialogue about questions of climate change.

Project activities:


  • July 2023: the Twin Ports Climate Conversations (TPCC) project team hosted the webinar event "Dip Into Data," which featured climate-related data, data sources, and tips for incorporating the data into coastal resilience work.
  • April 2023: The Twin Ports Climate Conversations (TPCC) project team hosted its first in-person event of the year, which featured a series of lightning talks highlighting local climate action in the western Lake Superior region.


  • In 2022, the Twin Ports Climate Conversations (TPCC) team hosted four events that covered topics including coastal adaptation, climate migration in the Great Lakes, local food production, and the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts.
  • October 2022: The Twin Ports Climate Conversations (TPCC) community gathered together in person for the first time in nearly three years.
  • In 2022, the Twin Ports Climate Conversations (TPCC) team transitioned from providing monthly webinar presentations to quarterly (January, April, July, October) presentations.


  • In 2021, Twin Ports Climate Conversations (TPCC) topics ranged from winter weather to heat waves, assisted forest migration, wetlands, and local climate resilience efforts. The TPCC team completed a survey of attendees to help shape and guide the future of TPCC events.


  • In 2020, the Twin Ports Climate Conversations (TPCC) team transitioned to hosting virtual conversations, nearly doubling monthly attendance! An average of 50 participants were welcomed to these events each month.

Why Minnesota Sea Grant?

Minnesota Sea Grant's (MNSG) role as a coordinator and facilitator of the Twin Ports Climate Conversations events supports MNSG's mission to enhance the practical use and conservation of coastal, marine and Great Lakes resources in order to create a sustainable economy and environment.

What have we done lately?

Participants & Audience

Twin Ports Climate Conversations (TPCC) are designed for anyone interested in participating in a community conversations about climate change and community preparedness and response. Conversations focus on perspectives of climate change impacts, adaptation responses, and opportunities for building community resilience and mitigation.

TPCC conversations are organized, coordinated, and facilitated by staff from Minnesota Sea Grant, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and other community organizations.    


Support for Twin Ports Climate Conversations is provided by:

Program Staff

Madison Rodman headshot
Resilience Extension Educator

Upcoming Events


  • 1854 Treaty Authority, Tribal Government
  • City of Superior, Wisconsin, State/Local Government
  • Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Lake Superior Coastal Program, State/Local Government