News stories and other media mentions
- When is the Ice Going Out on Your Favorite Lake? KDHL AM 920
- When is the Ice Going Out on Your Favorite Lake? AM 1240 WJON
- Minnesota Sea Grant Science and Policy Fellowship University of Nebraska-Lincoln Announce
- Minnesota walleye startup Blue Water Farms inks RAS partnership with SIFT Group SeafoodSource
- NRRI and Minnesota Sea Grant Ink New Formal Relationship with UMN Research and … University of Minnesota Research & Innovation Office
- Practical Water Wisdom Series begins in February NewsBreak
- Virtual series explores water quality challenges, conservation Alexandria Echo Press
- Indoor walleye startup searches for a home in Minnesota as the state revamps it… The Bemidji Pioneer
- Indoor walleye startup searches for a home in Minnesota as the state revamps it… AgWeek
- Preserving Minnesota’s Waters: Virtual Lecture Series via Zoom Voice of Alexandria
- Agriculture department asks for public input on Minnesota aquaculture plan KLFD Radio
- Agriculture department asks for public input on Minnesota aquaculture plan Minnesota Public Radio
- Water quality challenges to be topic of Senior College virtual program Pope County Tribune
- A plunge through thin ice, a panic and a struggle for safety Minnesota Star Tribune
- Listen: Why do Minnesota lakes make freaky noises this time of year? The Minnesota Star Tribune
- The science of leaves Stillwater Gazette
- Itasca Waters’ virtual series on practical water wisdom Hometown Focus
- Wetland event in Siren Spooner Advocate
- NRRI contributes to MN’s long-term stream and river monitoring efforts Hometown Focus
- Duluth fish kill likely due to 1.7 million gallons of chlorine-treated water th… Minnesota Star Tribune
- New buoys improve Minnesota North Shore forecasts Head Topics
- New buoys improve Minnesota North Shore forecasts
- Itasca Waters' Water Wisdom to present on water quality in Itasca County lakes … The Bemidji Pioneer
- Practical Water Wisdom Sept. 5 Aitkin Independent Age
- City by City: Superior, Itasca County, Tower Northern News Now
- Adaptive 3D Printing System Enhances Precision in Organism Handling Space Daily
- Aquaculture funds will support regional collaborative, invasive carp research Michigan Sea Grant
- How could Duluth's city water, safe for people to drink, kill so many fish? Duluth News Tribune
- Mi Fresh Fish Sail & Fry celebrates western U.P. fisheries Michigan Sea Grant
- Mysterious Incident Kills Hundreds of Brook Trout in Minnesota Creek Field & Stream
- SLC receives $1.85 million grant to address climate change impacts Hometown Focus
- Fish kill, including hundreds of dead brook trout, found in Duluth creek StarTribune
- Teachers to Take Part in Great Lakes Coastal Workshop in Wayne County Finger Lakes Daily News
- Around the Circle This Week: July 25, 2024 Lake Superior Magazine
- Which state has more lakes: Minnesota or Wisconsin? Radio Milwuakee
- Which state has more lakes: Minnesota or Wisconsin? National Public Radio
- Workshop on Great Lakes resilience set for August Observer Today
- A new decal seeks to help anglers spare wild steelhead in Minnesota Outdoor News
- Some Lake Superior anglers still mistake coho salmon, steelhead trout The Colorado Springs Gazette
- Some Lake Superior anglers still mistake coho salmon, steelhead trout Duluth News Tribune
- Some Lake Superior anglers still mistake coho salmon, steelhead trout Alexandria Echo Press
- Some Lake Superior anglers still mistake coho salmon, steelhead trout The Bemidji Pioneer
- Pelican Lakes Association meeting set June 29 Pine and Lakes Echo Journal
- Northwoods Experience: Dozens Attend 8th Annual AIS Roundtable in Crosslake Lakeland PBS
- Community Connection: Recreation Safety on the St. Louis River The North 103.3 FM
- Free, Online Tool Offers Localized Climate Projections Park Rapids Enterprise
- University of Minnesota Unveils MN CliMAT, a Granular Look at the State's Clima… Hoodline
- Which Plants Should I Plant? Perfect Duluth Day
- New tool provides highly localized climate projections for Minnesota communities University of Minnesota Twin Cities News & Events
- Aquatic Invasive Species Roundtable set June 1 in Crosslake Pine and Lakes Echo Journal
- Featured speaker Don Schreiner talks Minnesota fisheries KAXE/KBXE
- Itasca Waters “Practical Water Wisdom” for May Grand Rapids Herald-Review
- Itasca Waters' Water Wisdom to present on fisheries May 2 The Bemidji Pioneer
- 2023-24 Faculty & Staff Award Winners University of Minnesota Duluth News
- Automated machine learning robot unlocks new potential for genetics research newswise
- A crop of golden shiners Brainerd Dispatch
- Earth Month: Researching microplastics in Lake Superior WDIO ABC
- North Shore streams are very low as steelhead spawning, fishing near Duluth News Tribune
- March Ice Out is a real possibility Iron County Reporter
- WI-MN Aquaculture Conference Hooks Fish Farmers Morning AgClips
- Wisconsin and Minnesota Aquaculture Conference Perfectduluthday
- Minnesota lake ice-out starts month early Duluth News Tribune
- Bugs Below Zero: Minnesota researchers dive into the world of winter-active ins… KARE 11
- Citizen scientists needed to see what happens in trout streams in winter The Derrick
- Citizen scientists needed to see what happens in trout streams in winter GazetteXtra
- NOAA Sea Grant Advances Resilient Coastal Communities with $4 Million in Support National Sea Grant College Program
- Beneficial Use of Dredged Material from the Port of Duluth-Superior Workshop DredgeWire
- A UMD trout stream expert will lead an online "Bugs Below Zero" event Jan. 11 Pioneer Press /
- ‘Bugs Below Zero’: University of Minnesota Extension Engages Citizens in Winter… BNN Breaking
- Citizen scientists needed to see what happens in trout streams in winter Duluth News Tribune
- Free rain barrel program helps Duluth residents get involved in flood prevention Yale Climate Connections
- The EPA Gulf of Mexico Division joined Global Geospatial Institute In Teaching … Everyone's Internet News Presswire
- Ask the Master Naturalist: Forming ice on area lakes depends on many factors Brainerd Dispatch
- New Method for Detecting Small Microplastics Tested Mirage News
- Itasca Waters Wisdom- October Herald Review
- Science and the supernatural: A perfect webinar for Halloween WDIO
- MN Sea Grant Brings Science and Spooks with Supernatural State Lore Fergus Now
- Upcoming Itasca Waters' Water Wisdom events focus on lakes The Bemidji Pioneer
- What women of Sea Grant want: Science is in, spin is out Aquaculture North America
- UPDATE: Fish Tacos and the Chamber of Commerce Spark-Y
- Minnesota Sea Grant Co-Hosts Great Lakes Fish Farm Session Morning AgClips
- Second Itasca Waters 'Water Wisdom' program is Sept. 7 The Pilot-Independent