Twin Ports Climate Conversations: Helping Great Lakes Coastal Ecosystems Adapt to Climate Change

Event Date/Time

This is a recording of the 1/18/2022 event.


Advance registration is required. This meeting will be recorded. You will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting after registering.


Join the conversation during Minnesota Sea Grant's January Twin Ports Climate Conversations webinar. In the Twin Ports area, we are familiar with many of the ways that climate change is impacting our coasts; for example through increasing severe storms, rapid water level changes, and coastal erosion. Natural resources practitioners are facing decisions about how to help coastal ecosystems adapt to these changes. In this presentation, Kristen Schmitt (Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science) will talk about a menu of adaptation strategies to help coastal managers plan for climate change. David Grandmaison (WI DNR) and Thomas Prestby (Audubon Great Lakes) will discuss their habitat restoration work in Allouez Bay, and how they are incorporating climate change considerations.


  • Kristen Schmitt, climate change adaptation specialist, Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science.
  • David Grandmaison, water resources management specialist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
  • Thomas Prestby, conservation manager, Wisconsin, Audubon Great Lakes.


Julie McDonnell, coastal program specialist, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota's Lake Superior Coastal Program.

Image credit: University of Minnesota Duluth.