Reports & Plans

A selection of our reports and plans are below. 

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Federal reauthorization of the National Sea Grant College Program (2020)

On Friday, December 18, 2020, the President signed into law S. 910, the “National Sea Grant College Program Amendments Act of 2020,” which reauthorizes the National Sea Grant College Program through fiscal year 2025; clarifies that the scope of the program includes financial assistance for research, training, and technology transfer; and modifies the Dean John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship Program.

National Sea Grant College Program Amendments Act of 2020 (Sea Grant reauthorization of 2020).

Minnesota Sea Grant Strategic Plans

Minnesota Sea Grant's programs, projects, services, and products are guided by a four-year strategic plan.

2018-2023 MNSG Strategic Plan

Our 2018-2021 plan was extended to 2023.

2024-2027 MNSG Strategic Plan



Minnesota Sea Grant Annual Federal Reporting

National Sea Grant Office, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation Resources (PIER) system

Every year all Sea Grant programs nationwide report on their activity, products, and services. PIER is designed to facilitate communication between Sea Grant's parent organization - the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - and each state Sea Grant program.

Through PIER, each Sea Grant program integrates and reports on:

  1. Their strategic plans 
  2. Outreach, research, and communication projects and project results
  3. Funding
  4. Accomplishments and impacts

The PIER database is maintained by the National Sea Grant Office and is publicly searchable.

National Site Reviews

Every four years, every state Sea Grant program undergoes an extensive review. The site review is the only in-person, on-site comprehensive review of the program. Minnesota Sea Grant's site review provides our Federal Program Officer, members of the National Sea Grant Advisory Board, and other reviewers selected by the National Sea Grant Office the opportunity to meet with Minnesota Sea Grant leadership, staff, our advisory board, project partners and collaborators, community stakeholders, and senior leadership and officials of the University of Minnesota and University of Minnesota Duluth.

MNSeaGrant-BriefingBook-2024. Minnesota Sea Grant underwent its 2018-2023 site review in October 2024. The review period was extended from four to six years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The briefing book highlights our program's activities during the reporting period.

MNSeaGrant-BriefingBook-2019. Minnesota Sea Grant underwent its 2014-2017 site review in December 2019. The briefing book highlights our program's activities during the reporting period.