Twin Ports Climate Conversations: Growing Climate Resilience Through Local Food Production

Event Date/Time


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Join us for the October Twin Ports Climate Conversation at the Duluth, Minnesota Denfeld Food Forest, where we'll convene in-person, outdoors. A panel of local food leaders will share their perspectives and experiences on local food production in a changing climate.

Communities in the western Lake Superior region have already experienced devastating effects from the changing climate – and the impacts will continue. Dramatic storm events are in the news, yet there may also be unnoticed, incremental, and even positive impacts happening on the local landscape. Local food growers are at the forefront of climate impacts and many are embracing their position in addressing climate change. Support for community-based, sustainable agriculture will reduce emissions from transportation of food, strengthen our connection to earth and community, and increase food access for people who need it.

Addressing climate change locally through sustainable food production and individual food choices presents us with opportunities to address injustice and inequity, improve public health, and strengthen local economies. If you eat food, you can be part of the climate solution!

This month we will see examples of local food system resilience and learn how we all can take part in climate action.


  • National Young Farmers Coalition Campaign Communications Associate Evan Flom.
  • Duluth Community Garden Program Land Stewardship Coordinator Steve Karels.
  • Bimaaji'idiwin Garden Program Gardener, Ag Community Outreach Coordinator and Producer Training Program Coordinator Erika L. Resendiz Alonso.
  • Institute for a Sustainable Future Executive Director and Duluth Whole Foods Co-op Board President Jamie Harvie.
  • Fairhaven Farm Regenerative Farmer and local food systems advocate John Beaton.


If you have questions or would like to request an accommodation, please contact Julie McDonnell through email at [email protected], by telephone at (218) 834-1443 or 888 MINNDNR, or call using your preferred telecommunications relay provider.

Image credit: Minnesota Sea Grant