A Deep Dive into Consumer Perceptions of Locally Farmed Fish

Image credit: C. Dettman/MNSG

Aquaculture, which includes farming fish for food, bait, or stocking, is an important way to meet the nutritional needs of a growing global population, while also helping to prevent populations of wild fish from over-fishing. Minnesota and other Midwestern states have a small, but growing, aquaculture industry, but most states lack understanding of consumer demand. 

Equitable Access to Recreation at Lake Superior (EARLS): Exploring Perceptions and Opportunities among Minnesota's Black Population

Image credit: Pete Markham/Flickr

Minnesota's North Shore of Lake Superior is an important outdoor recreation and tourism destination facing increasing demand, though ongoing efforts exist to diversify outdoor recreation participants. Although the Black and African American populations of Minnesota are the fastest growing racial group in the state, they account for only a small portion of outdoor recreationists.