Stormwater Runoff: Prevention and Mitigation Through Research

The sediment traps, forebays, infiltration basins, rock inlets and other practices (shown in the June 2022 photo at the top of the page) manage stormwater runoff from this parking lot adjacent to Bassett Creek in Minneapolis. They slow the runoff by controlling its release and promoting infiltration into the soil and minimize the pollutants reaching the creek. 

Agaaming Aki 2022

My name is Megan Gilles and I am an undergraduate extension education intern working with Minnesota Sea Grant (MNSG). This summer I traveled to Grand Portage, Minnesota, to help deliver an environmental literacy program about streams and the food webs of stream ecosystems at a week-long camp for tribal youth. The camp was called Agaaming Aki (i.e., “the land across the water”).

A Firm and Flaky Fish Tale

A Firm and Flaky Fish Tale

I was born in Minnesota and was an avid angler in my youth and Walleye (Sander vitreus) was always my catch of choice. A firm and flaky Walleye fillet made a fantastic meal, whether it was fresh caught in the lakes of northern Minnesota or at a restaurant closer to home in the Twin Cities.