Sea Grant Fellowship Can Put You in Washington D.C.

The Sea Grant Knauss Fellowship offers direct experience working on the latest issues in ocean, coastal and Great Lakes management and research. Knauss Fellows can turn their interest in coastal and marine issues into policy and management actions for the nation.

MNSG welcomed the most Knauss Fellows in the program’s history in July 2022. The five Knauss Fellows will begin their Washington, D.C., fellowship appointments in February.

Carp and Carbon: Climate Change and Ecological and Economic Benefits

The lake on the left in the photo above is opaque or murky because the presence of carp encourage algae growth and the fish stir up sediment from the lake bottom. The lake on the right used to look murky too. Scientists removed the carp and within a few days the water became clearer. Ironically, the murky lake's name is Clear Lake. The other lake is Ventura Lake. Image credit: John A. Downing.