Site Review Agenda

Monday, October 7, 2024 

Travel day for Site Review Team 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024 

0815-0830Response to 2019 SRT Report
0830-0840SRT Q&A 2019 SRT Report
0840-0930Program Management and Organization Part I and SRT Q&A
0930-1030Visit with campus administrators
1040-1050SRT Q&A
1050-1145Program Management and Organization Part II and SRT Q&A
1145-1300 Lunch and SRT writing time (separate room reserved)
1300-1410Engagement: Relevance, Extension/Advisory Service, Education and Training and SRT Q&A
1420-1510Collaborative Network Activities: Relationships and Collaboration and SRT Q&A
1510-1600Performance: Leadership and Productivity and SRT Q&A
1600-1800SRT writing time (separate room reserved)
1800-1900Reception (same location as meeting)

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

0800-0830Welcome and SRT Q&A from day 1
0830-0955Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development and SRT Q&A
1005-1130Resilient Communities and Economies and SRT Q&A
1130-1240Lunch and SRT writing time (separate room reserved)
1240-1405Healthy Coastal Ecosystems and SRT Q&A
1415-1540Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture and SRT Q&A
1540-1600SRT final questions
1600-1800SRT writing time (separate room reserved) 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

0800-0815Pick up SRT at Pier B (hotel) and drive them to MNSG Chester Park offices
0815-0830Tour of MNSG Duluth offices
0830-1200SRT writing time (separate room reserved)
1300-1345Informal debrief SRT and MNSG Leadership
1345-1415Drive SRT back to Pier B (hotel)
1415-1430+Minnesota Goodbye