Noah Thelen

Yellow Perch Lab Technician

What I do for Sea Grant

Noah will work closely with University of Minnesota Sea Grant fisheries and aquaculture extension educators and other project staff raising Yellow Perch in a recirculating aquaculture system in the lab to: 

  1. Measuring fish feed 
  2. Feeding fish 
  3. Monitoring water quality parameters 
  4. Cleaning tanks 
  5. Observing and recording fish behavioral data 
  6. Maintaining and cleaning lab space 
  7. Assisting with fish measurement 
  8. Recording and entering data on paper and electronically

February 1, 2024 - Spring and Summer 2024.


University of Minnesota Twin Cities
College of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resource Science
B.S. of Science in Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology (expected June 2027)