Marie Thoms

Communication Manager
Marie Thoms headshot

What I do for Sea Grant 

  • Provide strategic communication program guidance
  • Provide strategic media relations, including news releases and media training
  • Manage Sea Grant-related communication products and services
  • Manage Sea Grant's primary and selected project websites
  • Support the director to manage Sea Grant's legislative and government affairs
  • Manage messaging and marketing for Sea Grant products
  • Editorial and scientific review of proposals
  • Annual federal (NOAA) reporting
  • Serve on Minnesota Sea Grant's leadership team

Research Interests

  • Science communication
  • Public understanding of science
  • Science journalism
  • Communication science


M.S. - Professional Communication

University of Alaska Fairbanks

B.S. - Biological Sciences

Western Michigan University

B.S. - Natural Resources and Environmental Communication

The Ohio State University

Outreach Projects

The Great Lakes Aquaculture Collaborative (GLAC) is a three-year (2019-2022) project to create a regionwide group to foster relevant, science-based initiatives that support aquaculture industries. Credit: L. Angradi.

The Aquaculture Market Study is a three-year (2020-2023), $250,000 project led by the University of Minnesota Sea Grant program that was created to determine the potential for a sustainable food-fish aquaculture industry in Minnesota. was developed to meet a need to directly connect fish producers with consumers after the disruption of traditional markets during the COVID-19 pandemic.

MNSGs “Know the Fish. Know the Regs.” decal is a handy visual aid that anglers can use while on the water with a fish in hand to easily identify Steelhead.

Featured Stories

The Sea Grant Great Lakes Aquaculture Collaborative, led by Minnesota Sea Grant, hosted a Great Lakes aquaculture seafood booth at the annual NOAA Sustainable Seafood Celebration in Washington D.C. in June 2023.

Media Mentions

News Releases

Just in time for the spring fishing season, Minnesota Sea Grant created a new educational tool to assist Lake Superior anglers in the identification of Steelhead when compared to salmon. 

The Wisconsin Aquaculture Association and the Minnesota Aquaculture Association will host the