Lenna Johnsen

Minnesota GreenCorps Member
Lenna Johnsen

What I do for Sea Grant

I am a Minnesota GreenCorps member that is working for Minnesota Sea Grant through August 2024. 

I engage in and assist with education and outreach for the stormwater and green infrastructure research projects funded by the University of Minnesota Water Resources Center's Minnesota Stormwater Research and Technology Transfer Program

In coordination with researchers and extension educators, I am working to increase awareness of current research on green infrastructure by developing multimedia materials, and conducting outreach and education to public works staff, engineers, practitioners, and residents about the best practices and science behind green infrastructure. 

I am also helping with outreach efforts, content development, and education efforts for MNSG's Regional Stormwater Protection Team, Clean Sweep Program, and Watershed Game projects, respectively.

Minnesota GreenCorps is an AmeriCorps program and funding for this position is provided through a grant from ServeMinnesota, AmeriCorps, and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.


M.C.P. - City Planning
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge, MA

B.D.A. - Design in Architecture
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, MN

Outreach Projects

RSPT's mission is to protect and enhance the region's shared water resources through stormwater pollution prevention by providing coordinated educational programs and technical assistance.

The Watershed Game is an interactive, educational tool for local community leaders and educators that helps individuals understand the connection between land use and water quality

Get Swept up! Clean Sweep Education & Training Program. The Water Resources Center (WRC) and Minnesota Sea Grant (MNSG) at the University of Minnesota partnered with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) to develop the Clean Sweep Program. This education and training program is designed to help communities initiate street sweeping programs that will help them meet their water quality goals by targeting their efforts where it counts the most.

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